
A world-class center of excellence that continuously betters the lives of people at local and global levels.


Play a pivotal role in building a strong foundation of research and higher education in the field of informatics, applied mathematics and AI; conduct high quality research; and work continuosly towards democratizing AI in the world. Our mission statement


  1. Fundamental and applied research in computing sciences and mathematics to contribute significantly in the fields of health and medicine; agriculture; climate science; social science and governance; cyber security.
  2. Translate research to products for the greater good of the society via strong collaboration with existing industry and via start-up spin offs.
  3. Collaborate with existing educational institutions to produce world class researchers in the field of computing sciences and applied mathematics.
  4. Provide opportunities for students to get involved in quality problem focused research projects with close supervision from experts in the field.
  5. Collaborate strongly with national and international research and education institutions to solve challenging global problems that require multidisciplinary research.


We are a team of researchers and professionals who believe that proper democratization of current technological advancements, most prominently AI, towards the 4th industrial revolution provides the biggest opportunity for low income countries to take a leap forward in sustainable development and better the lives of billions of people.

Please find here our profiles and research interests.

Nepal context

In last two decades, we have closely observed and experienced Nepal going through various transitional phases. We have seen it through a civil war, many social skirmishes, several proximity to political disasters, and a devastating earthquake. Nevertheless, we must not forget the fact that some vital achievements have also been made, although scantily but certainly not insignificant. At this time, we often wonder where the country is heading towards. The progress may be discoursing, but there is hope and we have seen encouraging signs in the past few years with many inspiring change-makers leading the way. The situation is difficult, but definitely not insurmountable.

For any rational mind, thinking and worrying or blaming and complaining about the situation has no meaning, whatsoever. Acting upon it, in any way possible, is the only means to convey the message that you truly care.

We want NAAMII to be a symbol to show that we care. We want NAAMII to set an example for dreamers, despite of unfavorable situations. We want NAAMII to be a platform for people like us to invest their time, money, energy, and expertise. We want NAAMII to be an organization that offers scientific methods and technology to the society. We want NAAMII to be an institute that provides pedagogical values and opportunities to the students.

Registration and Affilation

NepAl Applied Mathematics and Informatics Institute for Research (NAAMII) is established under Nepal Company Act 2006 as a non-profit distributing organization (Registration No: 185418/074/075) and is affiliated to Social Welfare Council of Nepal (Affiliation No: 48180).